The Nepal Remote Schools Support Fund has been established to support remote communities in Nepal in delivering education to their children where traditional means fall short of local needs, including supporting communities to build facilities and engage teachers, through raising funds and providing volunteer support. The Fund was formally established in 2013 following 10 years of informal fundraising and support to Nepalese villages by the promoters of the Fund.
The Fund selects worthy projects after consultation with village and school communities. Our current project is the Shree Gudel Higher Secondary School in Gudel Village, east of Kathmandu. We are currently developing a new building and helping with re-construction following the earthquakes of April 2015.
Project: Gudel Village
Shree Gudel Higher Secondary school holds the future for a small remote village in the Everest Region of Nepal, a small subsistence community that wants to give its children educational opportunities needs your help!
With help from Nepal Remote Schools Support Fund and its supporters, children now have access in Gudel’s village school up to levels 11 and 12. Before 2014, they were limited to level 10.. Children seeking higher secondary level education to obtain university entrance previously had to leave home and board with relatives or friends in villages some 2 days walk from Gudel, which most families cannot afford.
Be part of helping the local community to build more school classrooms to reduce over-crowding in existing classes; to make new rooms for levels 11 and 12 education; and help to give 100’s of children in this remote area a better chance in life through education.
Earthquake April 2015
Gudel is one of the villages where we have funded school buildings and resources, including English language teachers. This village of approximately 3,000 people has no electricity and no communications (phone or internet). Motorised transport can get within three days walk of the village. Communications between us in Australia and this village relies on travellers from the village walking in or out and communicating through individuals we know in Kathmandu.
The recent series of earthquakes in Nepal extended their destruction to this village. Some of the school buildings, including classrooms and the office/library building, have been severely damaged to the extent they are unsafe for use and many students are being taught in temporary bamboo and iron shelters. In the village district, 242 homes were destroyed and another 355 suffered damage. Gudel community needs your help as soon as possible.
In the short term, the villagers have made temporary shelters for homes and the school using bamboo and other materials they can readily source. In these remote areas government support is scant and slow and it is likely to be some years before full reparation of the school buildings is achieved without outside help. The large international charities are focussed on Kathmandu and immediate surrounding areas. The village has very politely appealed to us for assistance.
We are collecting funds to provide to the village where the school board and village elders will assist us in determining priority projects. Our objective is to help them resume normal schooling as soon as possible. We already have well established systems in Nepal to ensure that our money actually gets to the intended destination.
The people of Gudel would appreciate any financial assistance that you could give.
Help needed
Money is needed to buy the materials, pay for transport and compensate the builder and imported tradesmen. The village will contribute the existing community building, supply labour to carry materials to the village, provide labour to support the builder, and help pay for teachers.
Please help us to help the Gudel community to give their children the opportunities in life that a complete education can provide.
To donate & help rebuild this community, you may:
Mail a cheque to:
Nepal Remote Schools Support Fund Incorporated
21 Orinoco Street
New South Wales 2073
Direct deposit:
For our banking details, email:
The Nepal Remote Schools Support Fund Incorporated is a registered charity and is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient for Australian tax purposes. Any money sent to the Fund is used directly to finance building/rebuilding activities in remote villages such as Gudel and are tax deductable for Australian taxpayers and registered companies. Other than regulatory and financial transaction fees, the total funds donated will benefit the schools as all costs of administering the charity are born by the promoters and other supporters.
Major donors will be invited to participate in a trek to Gudel at the end of 2015 (Dec 28 - Jan 12), led by promoter Peter Scarrott, and supported by villagers from Gudel.
Thank you from Shree Gudel secondary school
Dear Donors,
We firstly would like to thanks to Mr. Peter Scarrott and members of his family, Morris Allen study center and all the teacher staffs from there who
already donated our school, which have brought up our back standing school with the precious financial support.
All the donors have helped our schools which locate at a far and remote distance geographically. People in
that locality were being rule under the darkness of superstitions and illiterations. In the age of globalization and as well modernization you care
and playa vital role to bring many positive changes.
Now our school has its enchanting public recognition which would be ultimately impossible out of your donation. So we are now able to see the bright future of coming future ,
generations. They won't have to face the darkness, which we have already passed through. It's always great of you that you donated to repair an old
and dilapidated school located in a remote area.
What we express with all the donors are of course the happiness with no end. Here we never forget
the helped and the history we made only because of your help. All of your kind heart can't be explained in any words. We have improved many things
and still we have many things in our hand to improve. May be we can't bring of drastic change on the whole but we again want to make our school
a little more advanced than it is now.
For that beside the question we need your help. And we ourselves are embarrased to appeal you to donate our school once more.
Thanks for your kind cooperation and support.
Sincerely yours, Narandra Bahadur Rai,
Chairman of school committee.
Shree Gudel secondary school.
Solukhumbu - District, Sagarmatha- zone
Project Objective
To raise funds totalling US$150,000, which will allow construction of a critical new building for the school and renovation of an adjoining community building.
The new building at Gudel School will improve the quality of education by allowing reduction in class numbers and providing suitable rooms for years 11 and 12 schooling in Gudel. This will have several major impacts on the village – lower class sizes will increase individual attention; children who could not otherwise complete upper secondary levels will have that opportunity; and those currently forced to travel long distances or board in other villages will be able to stay at home while completing schooling.
The building is being promoted by Peter Scarrott, an educator based in Singapore and a long term friend of the village and the school. A small library, staff room, an extra classroom, furniture, the school’s water supply, an additional English teacher, and many resources have already been provided by the promoter and his friends over the past 12 years, but this big project needs your help!
Contact us
If you would like to help the Shree Gudel School in any way, please contact us via email.
ABN: 85167028686
Registration Number: 167028686, Office of Fair Trading, New South Wales
Registered Charity: Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC)
Taxation status : Deductible gift recipient
© 2013 - 2025 Nepal Remote Schools Support Fund Inc.